Burning Man 2002
Page 2
Happy Camp!
Me and my buddy Todd.
Did I mention that I REALLY dig your shoes?
(Note: if you don't get the shoe reference, just ask.)
Gravity inversion boots: Best Thing Ever.
Dude: Excuse me, do you mind if I ask you a question?
Me: Not at all!
Dude: Are you fucking insane?
Me: What's your point?
Things I saw on this day………………….
Orion looks pretty happy.
An anatomically incorrect skeleton
Don't ask me what the hell this is.
Visiting the Man
The Temple of Joy
The Temple of Lost Souls
Detail of the outer walls
Todd introspecting
The ceiling of the Temple
Most photos ©2002 Carla Fraters. Please email
WildLupin@aol.com before using these images.
More Burning Man 2002 photos are coming--check back often
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